Case study: Transforming the architectural vision

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the right branding and online presence can make all the difference. With a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking, you can attract and convert new customers.

When Justin Belgeonne approached Penny, his architecture business needed a revamp. His previous website was outdated, difficult to navigate, insecure, and had poor SEO performance. These issues not only hindered his online presence but also impacted his ability to attract new clients and showcase his work effectively.

Penny worked closely with Justin to rebrand his business and create a new website that would serve as a dynamic portfolio and an informative resource for potential customers. The goal was to present Justin’s architectural expertise in a professional, engaging manner that would highlight his unique capabilities and past projects.

The rebranding process began with a refresh of Justin’s visual identity. Keeping in mind the importance of maintaining some continuity, Penny integrated a modern blue palette to symbolise professionalism while retaining the distinctive orange from Justin’s original branding. This blend created a fresh yet familiar look that resonates with trust and creativity.

The business name was also updated to "JB Architect Services" to clearly communicate Justin’s profession and expertise. Penny designed a new logo featuring an architectural icon, adding a visual element that immediately conveys Justin’s field of work.

The new website,, is now the foundation of Justin’s business, and he has already seen the benefits following the revamp with an increase in leads from his desired target audience. The site boasts a user-friendly design, robust security features, and optimised SEO, ensuring it ranks well in search engines. Here’s why these elements are crucial for any professional website, especially in architecture:

  1. A well-designed, intuitive website makes it easy for visitors to find information and navigate through Justin’s portfolio. This ease of use enhances user satisfaction and encourages potential clients to engage with his services.

  2. Ensuring the website is secure builds trust with visitors and reinforcing Justin’s professionalism and attention to detail.

  3. Improved SEO means that when potential clients search for architectural services, Justin’s website appears prominently in search results. This increased visibility is essential for attracting new business.

The website also features clear sections that showcase previous projects and explains the architectural process. This educational approach not only informs potential clients but also positions Justin as an expert in his field.

In addition to the website, Penny designed Justin’s email signature to reflect his new branding, adding a polished touch to his communications. She also updated his social media accounts and directory entries to ensure consistency across all his online profiles.

Penny also developed a social media strategy tailored to Justin’s business, helping him connect with his target audience and establish a strong online presence.

Here’s what Justin had to say about his experience with Penny:

"Working with Penny has been a pleasure from start to finish. Her flexibility and professionalism were evident throughout the process, and she always listened to my specific needs. She not only met but exceeded my expectations, educating me on the best approaches to ensure my business thrives. I couldn’t be happier with the results."


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